mardi 23 juillet 2013

Deux techniques qui m'ont bien aidée ces dernières semaines / Two really useful (new to me) techniques

(bilingual post - English text in italics as usual!)

1. Cette vidéo trouvée sur In the loop qui explique comment défaire plusieurs rangs d'un coup :

A video I found on In the loop, a French knitting webzine, which explains how to unravel several rows... in a row. The video is in French but do not worry, you can turn the sound off and look at the images, it is really well explained. Of course if you love to hear French, leave the sound on! ;)

 2. La méthode des mailles jumelles ("shadow wraps") pour les rangs raccourcis, qui me facilite la vie depuis que je l'ai découverte et qui donne vraiment un résultat très net et régulier. Là encore, il s'agit d'un article trouvé sur In the loop ! 


The "shadow wraps" method for the short rows. The video is in French again but I think you can find a lot of English-speaking tutorials on the web, and this method is really great: the result is far neater than with the traditional "wrap & turn"! 

Et vous, avez-vous des astuces ou techniques à partager ? 
 What about you? Are there any tricks or techniques you would be willing to share?

3 commentaires:

rachel a dit…

ooh la 2eme video interesante!!!...merci pour ce partage...

Evelyn a dit…

Wonderful videos! Thanks for sharing. Thanks also for commenting on my blog ... I wish we were passing through Lyon but we'll actually be farther south and then continuing onto to Spain. One day, I hope, we will meet for coffee and knitting together! xo

Lydely a dit…

@ rachel : Méderien :)

@ Evelyn : Thank you Evelyn for your comment! Next time you happen to be in France let me know so we can arrange something :) Happy holidays!